Tuesday, February 28, 2012

My first challenge!

I made a card to enter in my first ever card challenge!  Most of the time I have a hard time deciding what to do when I actually sit down to fiddle with my crafty stuff so when I saw challenges posted on some blogs, I figured that was a great way to get a starting point.  Here is my first one...it is for the Buttons challenge on Meljen's blog!
The card base is from an SVGcuts kit called Everyday Cards and the stamp is colored with colored pencils.  The buttons are courtesy of my grandmother-in-law and I used a little bit of twine and a dollar stamp from Michael's.  I also accented using a glitter pen (which I LOVE) and inked around the edges of pretty much everything.  Hooray for my first try!!

Jenn =)

Monday, February 27, 2012

Second time around...

Okay, so my blogging premiere didn't quite work out the way I thought (in that I didn't actually DO it) so I'm giving it another go.  Hopefully this time I'll follow through...and get some followers! 
Even though Valentine's Day has come and gone, I wanted to share the cute and simple card I made for my husband, the gun nut.
I apologize for the horrendous quality of the photo to anyone who may ever read this, but it was the best one to show off the metallic slides that I used a glitter pen to make.  I used some gun silhouette svgs I found on a google search and the smoke whisps were in the shapes library of ecal...just mirrored one and put them together to make a heart.  I inked the edges, added some twine and a "Love you" brad to it and that was it!  I don't like to girly up cards for men, lest I de-macho them in front of someone else.  I was super proud of the guns though, it's not that easy to find something crafty with a gun, believe it or not! 

Hopefully I'll be making some more posts because I want to start doing some challenges that other people have on their blog.  So if you actually are reading this, do a girl a solid and follow me so I feel better.  :)